Unit News
逢甲大學何宜武學術講座張真誠教授於今(12)日接獲美國國家人工智慧科學院(NAAI)的正式來函,恭賀他當選為2025年院士。此次當選者共86人,包括輝達(Nvidia)創辦人黃仁勳及來自Google Brain、Google DeepMind、Facebook AI Research、OpenAI等全球頂尖研究人員和學者,張真誠教授是全台唯一獲選者。
2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo Feng Chia University Wins 2 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze Medals
The "2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo" was held from October 17 to 19 at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1. Feng Chia University exhibited six patents in the "Invention Competition Area" of the school invention zone, among which five patents won 2 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals.
由國立臺北科技大學電資學院與中華民國電腦學會共同主辦的「行動計算研討會(MC 2024)」暨「無線、隨意及感測網路研討會(WASN 2024)」於8月26日至27日在國立臺北科技大學集思北科大會議中心隆重舉行。來自逢甲大學資訊工程學系的黃唯筑與賴錡兩位同學,在陳烈武教授的指導下,以「Deep Learning Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Seamless Centimeter-Level Indoor Positioning」在行動計算研討會中脫穎而出,榮獲最佳論文獎。同樣來自逢甲大學資訊工程學系的時昱安與蔡育岑同學,亦在陳烈武教授的指導下,以「Cooperative Fleet Lane Changing with Multi-Group Splitting and Merging Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks」在無線、隨意及感測網路研討會中力壓群雄,榮獲最佳論文獎,展現逢甲大學師生在核心技術與創新應用的深厚實力。
Top 0.01% Scientist, Chair Professor Chin-Chen Chang Excels in Computer Science
According to the latest 2022 global academic statistics released by the world-renowned academic analysis platform ScholarGPS, Distinguished Professor Chin-Chen Chang from the Department of Computer Science at Feng Chia University has demonstrated outstanding research capabilities and academic achievements
Award-Winning School Technology: Sports AI Advances with Real-Time Soccer Tactical Analysis System.
Director Hwai Jung Hsu from the Artificial Intelligence Research Center at Feng Chia University led a team to participate in the first "2023 Sports Data Ideathon," organized by the Administration for Digital Industries. Their proposal for the "Real-Time Tactical Analysis System for Soccer Matches" stood out in the finals and received an outstanding achievement award, with a total prize of NT$500,000.
Chin-Chen Chang Member of The Academia of Europea
Professor Chin-Chen Chang is world-renowned for his research and has received numerous awards and honors. All faculty and students of the university are proud of this honor. The spirit of never slacking off on academic research is a model for all of us to follow.